07961 065173 [email protected]

Discover A Different Way To Train

At Just Train, every day is different. As well as a wide range of fitness equipment, the format can change from circuit training, HIIT training, interval training, metabolic resistance training, endurance training and much more. The reason we aim to keep the training exciting and fresh is to help you stay committed. Lack of commitment is the Number one reason for failure in achieving a goal. That’s why at Just Train we have a Commitment wall, which is covered with people’s achievements. We encourage and promote dedication, hard work and commitment which is all reinforced by our partner, Unstoppable Mindset. To find out how you can be inspired to achieve more check out Unstoppable Mindset here.
Just Train is more than just a gym, it’s a community of people trying to achieve more. You will not find a more positive place to train. Book your two free trial sessions today.

Ultimate Workout

The Ultimate Workout is a full body fitness and strength workout specifically designed to get you in the best shape of your life.

Personal Training

Unstoppable Personal Training focuses predominately on getting healthy and getting happy.

Unique Six Week Structure To Your Training

Ever Changing Workouts To Keep Things Fresh

Highly Motivated Training With Unique Environment

Guidance And Mentoring On Training Correctly


Find your fire with 5 FREE classes

Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential

Having access to a gym is not the solution to getting results. You could win a year free membership to the gym but that doesn’t mean you are going to get the results that you want. Having a personal trainer gives you a much higher success rate but unfortunately for most people it’s unaffordable.

Circuit Training

Interval Training

Endurance Training

Bodyweight & Stamina Training

Ultimate Workout

The Ultimate Workout is a full body fitness and strength workout specifically designed to get you in the best shape of your life. Rowing, boxing, skiing, running, spinning, free weights, slam ball, weight punching, all in one workout. The Ultimate Workout provides a thorough workout that will get you in the best shape of your life. Each day is different. Lower body, upper body and core training are all split throughout the week. We also vary the intensity and type of method used from week to week, so you may have circuit training one week, followed by group HIIT training the next. All exercises are optional at Just Train. We work with many who have injuries and we guide them on the most suitable option to aid recovery.


Changing your lifestyle is hard. It takes dedication and commitment over a  twelve month period. At Just Train we recognise the battle that most face, so we address the psychology of change. In 2017 Unstoppable Mindset was launched at Just Train. This life-changing company presents frequent seminars at Just Train that provide you with the inspiration to make change. Each seminar covers a range of topics all related to good physical and mental health. Whether you are looking to lose weight, get healthy, or quit bad habits these seminars are for you.

Personal Training

Our resident personal trainer will help you achieve more. If you have a more specific goal or you just need that extra push, then personal training is for you. More info – Achieve more with a personal trainer. Train for a charity boxing match, transform your body or train for a serious fitness challenge. Whatever your goal, our personal trainer will help you stay focused and mentally strong in preparation for your goal or event. Get private access to the Just Train gym with a trainer that is only focused on you. Talk through your goals, lifestyle and nutritional needs, then begin your life-changing journey. To book a free taster session today please contact Russ on  07922 189546.

Nutrition & Weight Loss

If you eat rubbish, you feel rubbish. A simple no-nonsense approach is the only way forward as we are surrounded by misinformation from a corrupt diet industry. Eating for good health is psychological. We have become emotionally attached to food which requires a completely new approach. The diet industry is a massive money-making machine that does not solve the deeper issues related to weight gain and poor lifestyle. If you are someone that has gained weight/lost weight all your life or struggles to break bad habits, then it’s time for a different approach. To find out more about how you can make changes that will last and book a free twenty minute consultation call Tom on 07961  065173.

Ultimate Workout Schedule

Each workout has our six-week programme attached to it which means all the sessions are progressed and intensified correctly over a six week period. Once you have completed a full six weeks all the routines change, this means that your body never gets used to the training enabling better results. One of the biggest flaws in the gym is that people don’t progress their training, this will never happen with us.

Due to COVID-19 we have had to implement various measures to ensure the health and safety of our members. This has meant we have had to reduce the number of members in each session at anyone time. To facilitate this you will now need to book ahead of a session and can no longer just turn up. For further information on bookings please click here.

About Me

I started my career in 2001 and have seen a lot of changes. One thing that has been consistent is my passion and drive to help others achieve their best. I started Just Train in 2007 and at that time there was nothing out there similar. Now the choices for boot camps and group training are many, but I still believe Just Train has an energy and vibe like nothing else. The most important thing for me was to always stay current, fresh and to move with the times.

Unfortunately, the times are now tough, and it seems that we are struggling more than ever. So, in 2017 I launched Unstoppable Mindset to run alongside Just Train and offer a mindset approach to the business. At this stage of my career I now help others to change by passing on a wealth of industry and life experience. I hope to meet you soon and welcome you to the team.

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“This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. I can honestly say for the first time I feel totally different about food, I actually understand it and what it’s purpose is, to fuel your body. It’s all about what type of fuel you want to give yourself and for me it’s the most nutritious, clean, energy-inducing food I can. The support I have had and still get from Tom is immeasurable with an amazing positivity. Tom motivates you to want to do better and want to push yourself harder and he is there every step of the way with you, encouraging you to be your best self!”

“Tom has helped me to understand the importance of eating the right things and pushing myself in training. I am training my mind to make sure this is how I will eat and live my life from now on as I feel so much better. I cannot thank Tom enough as I know if I am wobbling he will be there for me. I know he will push me if needed. This has been life changing for me and I have lost a total of three stone and am the fittest I have been in a long time. I have also booked in to run a half marathon in September, so I am looking forward to my next challenge.”

“January 2017 Tom informed me about ‘Unstoppable’ bringing together both our fitness, health and our goals. We all were sitting in a cold gym (at that point I was thinking what the hell am I doing here) but after the 2 hours of understanding that it is what we fill our body and mind with that will make the difference you need to succeed in not just fitness and health but life also. Setting goals and sub goals to those help you achieve what you want, it could be to eat more fruit and the sub goal of that is eating an apple a day, small but achievable.”

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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